A Relationship Should Be A Blessing, Not Baggage!
Nov. 30, 2022

Believer Beatitudes

Believer Beatitudes


Attitude is one of the main things that can cause friction in a relationship.

Some people just can’t get along, all because one person needs an attitude adjustment.

In Matthew 5:1-11 Jesus preached a mountaintop message about attitude. That was the summary of Jesus’s message, proper attitudes. This message was so vital that Jesus intentionally addressed it to His in-crowd—His disciples. This is a great relationship principle because Jesus had the opportunity to teach it to the masses but He specifically gave it to His followers. I believe He did this because if don’t nobody else have the right attitude, we as believers should.

These attitude attributes are relevant in relationships. 

The late great Dr. Myles Monroe called them the attitudes-to-be. I’m going to stretch it even further and say the attitudes-to-be in relationships as believers. As believers, we should not model the world. We should have different behavior and our attitude should be different. 

Jesus gave his disciples a charge and its the great commission of the Church to wait for the Holy Spirit to come so they could BE witnesses. Some times people get so caught up in the doing that they fail to be. We are human BEings and God wants us to BE a health representation of Him. That means we must have the right attitudes to BE

With that being said, love is not something that you do, it's something that you be.

This is our constitution as citizens of Christ’s kingdom individually and relationally. 

I’m going to run through them real quick and show how they relate to relationships. Each one pronounces a blessing upon the person and explains the blessing itself. As it relates to relationships I would say that each of these pronounces a blessing upon the individuals in the relationship, as a result, a blessed relationship. 

Here they are:

  1. Blessed are the poor in spirit. This is talking about not being self-sufficient and self-reliant. Like that “I’m self-made” attitude that’s going around. Not so good because it’s a form of self-exaltation. Knowing, seeking and relying on God’s grace in everything and for everything is the way to go, no matter where you are on your way to! This heart posture will open the heavens over your relationship.  

  2. Blessed are those that mourn. In your relationship, there will be tears and some mourning. Especially on the woman’s side #lol Women are emotional so at some point she will cry. But men also do mourn. Mourning is not talking about bereavement perse’ although you will have that too, but Jesus was talking repentance. Having to die to yourself will cost some tears. Even Jesus cried out on the cross. But God will comfort those whose heart is committed to Him. 

  3. Blessed are the meek. Meekness is not weakness. It’s not being a coward, it is strength under control. Its self-disciplined strength. God honors humility. Humility will provoke His handiwork in your relationship. You will experience kingdom blessings here on earth. 

  4. Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness. Seeking right standing with God will produce ultimate satisfaction. When you seek to pursue righteousness passionately in your relationship by keeping God at the center, your relationship will be satisfying. 

  5. Blessed are the merciful. Mercy matters to God. Mercy should be a matter in your relationship. Be compassionate in your relationship, not cruel. You never know when you may need a helping hand or some mercy medicine. 

  6. Blessed are the pure in heart. You want a clean conscience in your heart. God is all about the heart and your motives. You definitely want this in your relationship. Having unmixed motives and walking in unity will provoke God’s presence in your relationship. You will be a power couple. God never shows up without power. 

  7. Blessed are the peacemakers. This is talking about those who actively intervene to make peace. The natural approach is to watch strife from the sidelines. This is really important in a relationship. You want to keep and maintain peace. People seek revenge but as God’s sons and daughters, we should be makers of peace. 

  8. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake. There’s a suffering that comes with doing right. People will hate or be jealous of you and your choice for right relationships. Light exposes darkness and some people don’t like that exposure. They don’t like integrity. But God rewards those who endure this suffering for righteousness sake. They will experience kingdom blessings now and forever. 

  9. Blessed are those who are insulted and persecuted for Christ’s sake. This ones seems similar to the preceding one, except this persecution is for the sake of Christ. Its for being on His side and being loyal to Him. Some people get mad when you choose to follow Christ, even in your relationship. They will throw insults and talk about you because you choose to follow Christ and not the ways of the world.

    These my friend are the Beatitudes.

    Blessed will be your Christ-committed relationship when you embody them!